
Andy Aldrich, owner of Aldrich Construction Ent. Inc., has been building homes for over 40 years. He grew up and was educated here in Vermont and has a degree in Civil Engineering from Vermont Technical College. His education has never stopped and he continues today to stay current in the now rapidly changing home building industry. His home building has held the following practices and principles from day one through to today: build it right, build it efficiently to construct, own and maintain, all with a quality end product.

Along the way and continuously ACE has kept abreast of codes and changes, newer building practices and materials, and has applied them in a practical way. Andy is a nationally Certified Green Professional builder by the National Association of Home Builders. ACE has been recognized by it’s peers many times with Better Homes Awards. ACE has been a member of the National Association of Home Builders, NAHB, and the Northern Vermont Home Builders and Remodelers Association, NVHBRA, from near ACE beginnings. Andy has served and continues to serve his community on boards and served many years on the NVHBRA board as well. Never forgetting his roots ACE offers a wide group of services and always “no job is to small” philosophy.

ACE is educated, experienced, licensed, insured and certified and up to date for working and building in Vermont. ACE applies an old school basis with modern applications to all it’s work.